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Contact The Traffic Lawyers Of Kopecky Law, P.A.

Our attorneys are dedicated to helping you resolve your traffic, DUI, and criminal legal matters. If you have been charged, contact our offices today for a free consultation. We would be happy to assist you. Contact us by phone 24 hours a day.

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Walk-ins welcome at our main office ● Free consultation

The Traffic Lawyers of Kopecky Law, P.A. maintain several offices across the Kansas City metro area and serve clients all across Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa. This includes serving clients in places such as Cass County, Clay County, Jackson County, Platte County, Johnson County, and Wyandotte County, and in Kansas City, St. Louis, Overland Park, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Topeka, Lawrence, Iowa City, Columbia, Manhattan, Olathe, Belton, Blue Springs, Gladstone, Liberty, Lee's Summit, Grandview, Independence, Harrisonville, Lee’s Summit, Liberty, Raytown, Leawood, Ames, Dubuque, Iowa City, Sioux City, and Waterloo.